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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Interview with Thomas Fec (Tobacco) of Tobacco /Black Moth Super Rainbow

Stolen from the Tobacco facebook page.
Tobacco has been making music since 1998. Starting with home-made cassettes, later forming the band Black Moth Super Rainbow, and then his self titled solo project, this guy just gets it. Starting in Pittsburgh, PA, his music encompasses an odd, asid tinged version of reality. Always seeming to embrace the weird while keeping everything accessible, you have to love Tobacco and all his projects. Electronic, psychedelic, whatever you call it, the music is very good. I got to ask Thomas Fec (Tobacco) a few questions over e-mail and dig around in his mind a little bit. At least as much as e-mails allow.

It seems that recently you've been a little less enigmatic than previously. Is this intentional or just by chance?
I've never been mysterious or anything on purpose, it just has seemed like that at times because i'm not always interested in talking. I've been having fun lately using twitter, so you can't always take everything I say on there seriously.  

You somewhat recently put out the album LA UTI. Would you mind explaining how the concept and actual recording came together?
It was actually made up of some of the earlier drafts for maniac meat, so they were made at the same time. The songs with rappers didn't sound right on the full album, so those just got broken out into their own thing.  

What are the plans for Tobacco/BMSR in the future? Any albums soon to come or tours?
Yeah, there's an album coming together now, so there is a plan to have it out in 2012/2013, but things can change pretty quickly around here, so no guarantees. And bmsr is gonna do 4 days on the west coast in may, but that's all we have set. 

Fill in the blanks: I want to stuff a _______ into a __________ only because _______ ________ ________.
I want to stuff a stolen swim spa into a specially enclosed room in my house only because it would make it impossible to get caught.

When you were a kid, what was the worst/most fucked up thing you ever did?
Nothing.  I was cool.   

How does the writing process work for you? Do you usually start with a melody or is it more rhythm/beat oriented?
Anything goes with that. Absolutely anything. It could even start with a song title that sets up the way a song should sound.  

A great interview. Tobacco was apparently cool as a kid, and seems just as cool now. Check out the tunes. They are super foxy.

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