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Monday, January 30, 2012

Interview with the band T.I.T.S.

From the SF Gate website.
T.I.T.S. is a band from San Francisco. Their band name, although an acronym, connotes fun, womanhood, etc. A group of lovely ladies busting out some heavy tunes, their stuff is very good. Somewhat tribal, yet all the while melodic, their music come onto you like waves of droning sound in the most pleasant way possible.  I got to talk to the band and ask them a few questions.

How'd T.I.T.S end up getting together?
We were all on the same softball team.

T.I.T.S. is a pretty fantastic band name. Where'd it originate from?
It's a self-motivational acronym that came to us during a peyote-fueled vision quest in the great Northwest.

You guys are from San Francisco. What's your take on the scene there?
We think it's good but we all have a curfew.

You guys generally get lumped into the noise genre. Do you feel that that is an accurate label? 
No, we are definitely 3rd generation crap wave, heavily influenced by what was happening during the seminal Durf movement of the late 1960's.

What are your influences?
See above.

Analog or digital recording?

You guys are signed with Upset The Rhythm. How does the label treat you?
They're fantastic and have been very generous and supportive. This is our fist self-released album.

The whole band is women. Any weird stories because of that? Like gropey dudes or harassment stuff?  If so, do you just laugh it off or does it thoroughly creep you out?
The hardest tour we've ever been on is the one when one of us had to get an abortion.

Any past bands/projects that you guys have been in? If so, what are they?
Death Sentence: Panda!; Towel; Verbalala; Meowmeow&theMeowmeows;  Crack: We Are Rock; Condor; Feather Gong; No-Go's; Condo.

What makes your music so god damn foxy?
(thank you)

Random Zone
Please make up the best way the band would've met (be as
imaginative as necessary)?

What's the worst/most fucked up thing you ever did?
Lied about getting an abortion.

What's the one thing that the Fonz (Happy Days) has that you want?
Complete access to Henry Winkler.

Please explain your feelings toward Richard Simmons in five words.
Love, compassion, perm-envy, compassion, perm-envy.

Fill in the blanks:
I want to stuff a glitter-fatty into a potato-jacket only because  I feel so powerless 

What's your favorite joke?
See above.

Any secret talents in the band?
See 2012 Mayan Calendar.

A great interview. Short and sweet. Sad at points though. Check out T.I.T.S. music; it's super foxy.

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